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DRS 2006 Auto Device Control 1.30

DRS 2006 Auto Device Control 1.30

DRS 2006 Auto Device Control Publisher's Description

With the DRS 2006 Auto Device Control module you can remote control any audio/video device which supports a remote control over a RS232 port. But that's not all. You can program totally time based operations on multiple ports. For example you can switch a "Vertical Interval Switcher" over Com 1 and then start a video machine over Com 2. All that at any time you programmed it. This module works independent from the DRS 2006 system and lets you define your own devices. This could be anything which can be remote controlled over the RS232 interface. Give your device a name, set the options like port, baudrate, databits, stopbits, parity etc. (read the device manual) and then you can enter command sets just as you like to. Give the command a name like "Play" and then enter the command string like "OPL". All command strings can also be found in the manual of your audio/video device. Then you save these settings and program all actions totally time based.

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